Moon will head towards Sun in Libra for the New Moon around Midnight. Other active transits during the day - Retrograde Mercury (21 degrees Libra) is conjunct Mars (26 degrees) - Mars adding that extra assertiveness to communication. Mercury is also exact trine Neptune - sensitivities towards tuning into others, or tendencies towards daydreaming. Venus sextile Jupiter - wanting to spend time with friends. The trine and sextile aspects are good for balancing out challenging transits. Good for giving and receiving support if that is what you choose. Libra brings in the aspects of choice and balance.
The Birthcard of today is the Nine of Hearts, a double Saturn. A visit to the mythology of Ch'eng-Huang may add flavor today.
The Birthcard of today is the Nine of Hearts, a double Saturn. A visit to the mythology of Ch'eng-Huang may add flavor today.