Depending on one's time zone, today or tomorrow is the Summer or the Winter Solstice. Four permutations to wish you a happy one. Moon starts off the day Void of Course, and enters Gemini at 10:00am PDT. It may feel slightly similar to a couple of days ago, as the 18th had "sweep speed bumps" of the Chiron/Neptune/Jupiter trio before a Void of Course in the morning, but today, Moon was Square the Chiron/Neptune/Jupiter trio and Sextile the Juno/Uranus pair predawn. Much later, when the official Solstice even happens, Moon will be conjunct Mercury, a hair before midnight PDT. This will likely be a festive day, a Solstice with Venus almost exactly conjunct Mars. Today may show hidden insecurities and vulnerabilities under a guise of power and bravado, the soft interior inside a crunchy shell, or knowledge attempting at overpowering feelings.
The Birthcard today is the 10 of Clubs, a Solar expression of a Mars core and some flexibility to experience a Venus or Mercury core with a Jack of Spades inside and a 4 of Spades outside. 10Cs include Phil Collins, Jack Abramoff, Paul Krugman, Steven Chu, Leonard Nimoy, Richard Dawkins, Erica Jong, Barbra Streisand, Joseph Campbell, and Shirley MacLaine.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago