Another night where dreams were a better place for the Archetypes to play out: Moon was square Saturn in the middle of the night. Hey there, lonely one. Moon finishes up in Gemini sweeping trine the Chiron/Jupiter/Neptune trio and square Uranus by 3:12 pm PDT when she goes Moon Void of Course till 8:51 pm PDT. Then she enters Cancer, and will be opposite Pluto exact at 10:58 pm PDT. These Moon "speedbump" sweeps prior to VOC may be on the way to familiar with the crescendo followed by limbo; this one has more of an edge towards change/innovation/surprise with paradoxically more harmonious ideals, dreams. A chill evening for a good Arthouse flick. There may be a vibe in the aethers of the tormented, sensualist Artist today. But, with a mini-grand trine of Mercury/Mars/Juno, it won't be all bad, could be quite expressive. This evening look deep within, with no stone left unturned; intense emotions may color one's perceptions with a possibility of turbulence over smooth sailing.
The Birthcard today is the 9 of Clubs, a Venus expression of a Saturn core with a Queen of Hearts inside and a 6 of Diamonds outside. 9Cs include William Howard Taft, Ken Wilber whether he likes it or not, Tony Robbins, George McGovern, Gloria Swanson, George Patton, Redd Foxx, Joan Collins, Vikki Carr, Albert King, Samuel Goldwyn, Zane Grey, Edward Murrow, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Lindz Lawlor, Valerie Innes, Mae West, Artie Shaw, Jonathan Winters, Jane Russell, Kirk Douglas, Kurt Vonnegut, Al Pacino, Quentin Tarantino, Guglielmo Marconi, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Jean-Paul Sartre.
Full Moon 13 January 2025: On Our Own
1 week ago