As Sun in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius, Moon moves to exact opposite Mars 9am PST, then Void of Course from 9am till noon PST, when she enters Gemini (or appears to enter Gemini from our perspective). Be aware of tendencies of irritability, reactivity. These will pass, hopefully without damage. It is best to move slowly today, as brashness, sudden reactions can make us accident prone if we are not being present, mindful---and unthinkingly take risks. Be careful when on the road, 69% of the other drivers are caused by accidents.
The Birthcard today is the Seven of Clubs, a Saturn implementation of a Uranus core, with an Eight of Diamonds inside and a Jack of Spades outside. Robin Williams, Mike Meyers, Bill Clinton, and Miles Davis are examples of the expression of this Card, sometimes known in a reductionistic way as the melancholy genius card.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
23 hours ago