If you had weird dreams last night, don't worry about it, was Moon opposite Neptune, now passing.
Through the day, Moon will be sweeping through square Mercury exact at 6:49am PST, square Sun exact at 1:31pm PST, and square Mars exact at 10:14pm PST. There will be a brief Moon Void of Course from 4:45pm till 5:15pm PST when Moon will enter Virgo from our perspective. Just to deepen things up a bit, Moon will be trine Pluto, exact right before the Void of Course. In the morning, it might be a good idea to punt in the emotional realm---don't shift to match, or stuff them, just chill till later. Generally, if things are in the groove, there will be more energy today, but anything out of sorts has the potential for irritation. Intense and sensitive, stay away from sharp objects.
The Birthcard today is the Ace of Clubs, a Mercury expression of a Venus core, paired with the Two of Hearts. It is one of two pairs of Cards that trade places back and forth within each pair. Various expressions of this Card are Jodie Foster, Ray Charles, Larry King, and Meg Ryan.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago