If you felt a vague lack of mojo this morning or got out on the wrong side, don't panic, Moon was Void of Course till 10:23 am PST, when she officially enters Pisces, where if not exactly at home, she should feel an affinity. Moon will be sextile Pluto today, exact at 10:54 am PST, so it will be a good time to pay attention to those deep feelings and emotions that bubble up now, the mysterious may hold more of a fascination than usual. Any OCDish tendencies are best put into something mundane or physical, to give them a healthier outlet.
For the next week or so, Mercury will be T-square of the Saturn/Uranus opposition, so there may be a buzz of intense thinking, almost overwhelming, but with a bit of a block or difficulty communicating those brilliant, clear ideas.
The Birthcard today is the Ace of Diamonds, a Jupiter implementation of a Neptune core, with a Two of Diamonds inside and an Ace of Hearts outside. George Soros, Angela Davis, Jessica Lange,
and Pat Metheny all share this Birthcard.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
23 hours ago