Sun is/was exact sextile Pluto last night in the wee hours, amd Moon will be Void of Course from dark-thirty last night till 6:06 pm PST when she enters Aquarius. The Sun/Pluto sextile points towards a bit of rummaging around in the depths, changing or upheaving anything no longer appropriate in one's sphere. The continuing Mars/Juno/Jupiter trio sextile Venus and square Vesta suggests relationship(s) may have the centerstage of attention. Otherwise, with Moon VOC most of the day, likely to be an inertial day---[warning, nerdy analogy] if today was a flying device, it would be a glider till evening. Or maybe a sailboat without wind. Just relax where you are.
The Birthcard today is the 4 of Diamonds, a Neptune expression of a Venus core, with a 5 of Spades inside and a 5 of Hearts outside. 4D incarnations include Antonio Villaraigosa, Jake Steinfeld, David Geffen, Richard Tarnas, Ornette Coleman, Brian Eno, William Butler Yeats, and James Clerk Maxwell.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
23 hours ago