Sun is/was exact sextile Pluto last night in the wee hours, amd Moon will be Void of Course from dark-thirty last night till 6:06 pm PST when she enters Aquarius. The Sun/Pluto sextile points towards a bit of rummaging around in the depths, changing or upheaving anything no longer appropriate in one's sphere. The continuing Mars/Juno/Jupiter trio sextile Venus and square Vesta suggests relationship(s) may have the centerstage of attention. Otherwise, with Moon VOC most of the day, likely to be an inertial day---[warning, nerdy analogy] if today was a flying device, it would be a glider till evening. Or maybe a sailboat without wind. Just relax where you are.
The Birthcard today is the 4 of Diamonds, a Neptune expression of a Venus core, with a 5 of Spades inside and a 5 of Hearts outside. 4D incarnations include Antonio Villaraigosa, Jake Steinfeld, David Geffen, Richard Tarnas, Ornette Coleman, Brian Eno, William Butler Yeats, and James Clerk Maxwell.
Full Moon 13 January 2025: On Our Own
1 week ago