Not that there is really an old Moon, even though marketeers would like to sell you a new one. The one and only Moon enters Pisces, her home away from home right before the crack of Dawn today after being Void of Course overnight. Moon will be sextile Pluto, exact at 10:33 am PST, then conjunct Sun exact at 5:35 pm PST. The continuing stellium of Jupiter/Mercury/Juno/Mars is not being transited by the Moon, but the Pluto sextile would indicate a need for depth over superficiality which will likely be in context of relationship if there is one. New Moon is a beginning, as the Moon begins the two week waxing phase, so anything stuck or stagnant may wake up around now.
The Birthcard today is the Ace of Diamonds, a Jupiter expression of a Neptune core, with a 2 of Diamonds inside and an Ace of Hearts outside. ADs include George Soros, Angela Davis, Ray Conniff, Paul Hogan, Dennis Kucinich, and Gerald R. Ford.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago