Moon in Aries will be sextile Jupiter exact at 6:38 am PDT, so the day is off to a good start with warm fuzzies for all. Venus is conjunct Sun exact today, see the last couple posts on that. For a very good insight into Juno and Neptune, look here. In the evening Moon will be sweeping sextile the Chiron/Neptune/Juno trio; exact sextile Chiron at 5:08 pm PDT, exact sextile Neptune at 7:17 pm PDT, and exact sextile Juno at 9:49 pm PDT when she goes Moon Void of Course till 3 something tomorrow morning when Moon enters Taurus. Moon sextile anything could be described as the antithesis of antithesis, so the evening could be a good time to explore or experience a spiritual transcendence of childhood woundings in the context of a close friend or confidant, or trusted family member. There are better times to surrender, and this is one of them. Or, you could go out and about on a date and wonder why the hypersensitivity followed by lack of mojo later in the evening.
The Birthcard today is the 9 of Clubs, a Venus expression of a Saturn core with a Queen of Hearts inside and a 6 of Diamonds outside. 9Cs include Ken Wilber whether he likes it or not, Tony Robbins, Albert King, Zane Grey, Ella Fitzgerald, Lindz Lawlor who does like it, Valerie Innes who usually likes it, Artie Shaw, Quentin Tarantino, and Jean-Paul Sartre.