Moon in Aquarius will get the day off to a good start sextile Mars exact at 8:25 am PDT, coast through the day, and starting around 11 pm PDT, sweep conjunct Jupiter, conjunct Chiron, conjunct Neptune, ending up square Sun for Moon Last Quarter just past midnight PDT. Mercury/Sun are sextile Uranus and square the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune trio. To add to the fun, Vesta is T-square the Saturn/Juno opposition. Fortunately, Lilith Moon is sextile/trine the Juno/Saturn opposition. Saturn goes direct tonight. Excitement, grandiose plans, delusional idealism, confusion as to who's on first may call as seemingly pleasant distractions from family, responsibility, commitment. Although there is likely to be a phew of relief as the relentless pressure of Saturn lessens, there may be a bit of uncertainty in the air today.
The Birthcard today is the 3 of Diamonds, a Mercury expression of a Uranus core, with a 6 of Hearts inside and a Queen of Diamonds outside. 3Ds include John Belushi, Neil Diamond, Oral (!) Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Edward Kennedy, Fred Rogers, Rick Moranis, and Pierce Brosnan.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago