Moon in Pisces will be giving the Vesta/Juno/Saturn T-square a kick today; opposite Saturn exact at 12:13 pm PDT, square Vesta exact at 2:44 pm PDT, and conjunct Juno exact at 3:34 pm PDT. Fortunately, Lilith Moon is trine/sextile the Saturn/Juno axis, so there is a good chance that one can get some perspective about any heavies regarding home and relationships that may be felt today. Self value may feel small/ insignificant, or stymied in assertion of self, but again, there are insights to be gained by "increasing" one's perspective rather than one's acquisitions.
The Birthcard today is the Ace of Diamonds, a Jupiter expression of a Neptune core, with a 2 of Diamonds inside and an Ace of Hearts outside. ADs include Marcel Marceau, George Soros, Angela Davis, Ray Conniff, Paul Hogan, William Shatner, Dennis Kucinich, and Gerald R. Ford.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago