Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb 21 2010 Moon First Quarter

We will be taking a (busy) hiatus, see the Astro links under "bloggerific" below left, to keep up with what's happening in that realm of Archetypal Languages.

The Birthcard today is the 4 of Diamonds, a Neptune expression of a Venus core, with a 5 of Spades inside and a 5 of Hearts outside. 4D incarnations include Antonio Villaraigosa, Michael Dukakis, John Hancock, Chester Arthur, John Quincy Adams, Jake Steinfeld, David Geffen, Pierre Currie, Nikita Khrushchev, Connie Stevens, Richard Tarnas, Ornette Coleman, J. P. Morgan Jr. , Vincenzo Bellini, Brian Eno, Woody Allen, Charles Bronson, John Wanamaker, Ursula Andress, Sybil Leek, William Butler Yeats, James Clerk Maxwell, and rumor has it, Avogadro.