Moon in Taurus starts off the day square Mars, and sweeps square the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune trio in the afternoon and evening. Moon is also sextile the Uranus/Juno pair in the early evening. Possibility of a restless edge today, look to unlikely or unusual places to find stability, grounding.
The Birthcard of the day is the Three of Hearts, a double Mercury, with an Ace of Hearts inside and a Queen of Clubs outside. Paraphrasing: the heart has reasons that reason does not understand. Woodrow Wilson, Dick Clark, Mark Twain, Earl Hines, Billy Idol, Winston Churchill, William H. Gates, Sr. , Linus Torvalds, Denzel Washington, Edgar Winter, Abbie Hoffman, Ben Stiller, and of course Samuel Clemens are incarnational expressions of this Card, or visa versa.
Full Moon 13 January 2025: On Our Own
1 week ago