Moon in Leo will be square Mercury and The Sun this morning, and will sweep opposite the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune trio. Moon will also be inconjunct Juno/Uranus, and will finish up conjunct Vesta, exact at 1:04 am PST, i.e. the next morning just past midnight. Then, Moon will be Void of course till just before dawn tomorrow morning. Some schools of thought put Moon Void of Course starting earlier when Moon was opposite Neptune, at 6:43 pm PST. What do you perceive this evening? Bit more of an edge today likely. More childhood stuff, WTF, relationship issues. If the themes seem similar, they are. Moon "lights up" the other heavenly bodies with either hard or soft aspects almost daily, and these correlate with various scenarios playing out. Over and over and over. Pick you delusion, or notice the script being played out and "use" that as an entry point or stepping stone beyond the collective delusion.
The Birthcard today is the Jack of Clubs, a Uranus expression of a Venus core, with a Jack of Diamonds inside and a 10 of Hearts outside. JCs include James Buchanan, William McKinley, Thomas Paine, Rahm Emanuel, Julia Child, Spiro Agnew, Walter Reed, Art Linkletter, Ralph Nader, John Steinbeck, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oprah, Susie Bright, Gloria Steinem, Eleanor Roosevelt, Max Planck, Rudolph Steiner, Sergei Prokofieff, Raymond Burr, Lou Gerhig, Howard Cosell, Jim Fixx, Phyllis Diller, Fats Waller, Guy Lombardo, Mel Torme, Aretha Franklin, Shirley Temple, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Paula Abdul, whether they know it or not.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago