Moon was trine The Sun and Mercury overnight, and finishes up in Cancer, her home constellation. In the morning Moon will be sweeping inconjunct the Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune trio, and trine the Juno/Uranus pair, going Moon Void of Course at 3:41 pm PST till the middle of the night. Not a good evening for a first date, better evening to just chill, particularly as Moon is also conjunct the south node. Moon Void of Course would have started much later, except that Venus changes constellations (into Scorpio) after the last Moon transit, and the effect may be almost a bit comical; like when someone goes to sit down, but the chair is moved away from under them. Fortunately this does not happen very often, except in the movies. Surprises or innovations possible today, there may be a WTF about childhood stuff; connections with those close will be the best soothing salve.
The Birthcard today is the King of Clubs, a double Uranus with a 2 of Spades inside and an 8 of Spades outside. KCs include Keith Olbermann, Martin Van Buren, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Leon Trotsky, John Lennon, George Harrison, Marie Curie, Chaka Khan, John Muir, Erich Fromm, Pierre Simon Laplace, Hedy Lamarr, Ric Ocasek, Walt Disney, Barry Manilow, Arianna Huffington, Enrico Caruso, Alfred Hitchcock, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Gary Stadler, Igor Stravinsky, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jesse Ventura, General Custer, Billy Graham, James "J Bob Dobbs" Dobson, and rumor has it, Rembrandt.
Full Moon 13 January 2025: On Our Own
1 week ago