Moon in Virgo is opposite Venus at the crack of Dawn for a good morning indeed, then trine Mars exact at 10:14 am PST for lots of harmonious go-juice to finish off the morning. However, later in the day Moon heads to emphasize the Saturn/Uranus opposition---exact opposite Uranus at 8:15 pm PST and exact conjunct Saturn at 11:32 pm PST. Fortunately, by then Moon will be in the orb of trine Juno, exact in the wee hours of the night. Remember the good feelings from earlier in the day---any feelings of upsets, lonley, inferiority will pass with this evening's transits.
The Birthcard today is the King of Diamonds, a Mars expression of a Venus core with a 3 of Clubs inside and a 7 of Spades outside. Faye Dunaway, Sharon Stone, Christina Ricci, Ray Manzarek, Seymour Hersh, and Vicente Fox all share this Birthcard.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago