Mercury is in the full retrograde phase now, see the Jan 7 post for details. Moon in Scorpio is busy in a kaleidoscope day today. Moon is trine Venus, exact at 6:59 am PST, sextile Mars exact at 8:58 am PST, square Chiron exact a 12:32 pm PST, trine Uranus exact at 1:18 pm PST, sextile Saturn exact at 4:21 pm PST, and square Neptune exact at 7:37 pm PST, when Moon goes Void of Course till mid tomorrow morning. Mars is trine Saturn, good for getting things done if it was not retro. With the Moon in a kaleidoscope display of transits, it is anybody's guess for the day, but generally good transits till evening, so as much as one may be in the mood to imbibe in celebration, it is not a good evening for self medication.
The Birthcard today is the 8 of Diamonds, a crown card with a Jupiter core, with a Queen of Spades inside and a 7 of Clubs outside. 8Ds include Paris Hilton, Dolly Parton, Fabio Lanzoni, Al Green, Sly Stone, Martha Quinn, and Jim Jeffords.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago