Currently Sun (identity), Juno (commitment in relationship), Jupiter (expanding horizons mentally, physically, relationally), Mercury (communication, travel, details), North Node (our purpose as part of a larger group), Chiron (issues and wounds that make us aware of other's woundings), Neptune (experiences of diffuse boundaries between self/other, self/cosmos) are all within a few degrees of each other in Capricorn and Aquarius with Venus (love relationships) and Uranus (Change, revolution) (in Pisces) not too many degrees from Neptune. The Moon will consecutively oppose each of these (about two a day) as the Moon moves from Full Moon in Cancer (from opposition to the Sun) into a waning Moon in Leo and then to Virgo over the next five days (i.e. Moon opposes Sun today and Juno past midnight, Moon opposes Jupiter and Mercury tomorrow, etc.). So if it seems like there is something going on each day don't be too surprised. It is an active sky. As the lunar cycle goes towards New Moon you may feel more inward and reflective rather than action oriented.
Sun is trine Saturn - this may give extra awareness regarding responsibilities. Saturn is retrograding in Virgo over the next few months - our service to others may be in the forefront as we think this through (again).
Mars is ten degrees past conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and moving towards trine Saturn and sextile Uranus. This will be exact Jan. 23. This has the potential for purposeful action however, be aware of the antics of Mercury Retrograde.
Tomorrow, January 11 - Mercury Retrograde starts 8:43 am PST. Good time to tend to your own issues. Be aware that new projects or relationships that are started at this time may require extra attention due to mix ups in communication and details.
Today, the card is a 4 of Spades. Venus and Jupiter are influential planets to this card. The 10 of clubs is the Spirit card and the 4 of hearts is the Soul card. Instructor to others, creating home, ability in the arts, and work are familiar aspects to this card. There can also be restlessness and some drama in relationships for the 4 of Spades. Jan. 10 birthdays: Singers Rod Stewart, Jim Croce; Poet Robinson Jeffers.