Hope your dreams were not too disturbing, as Moon was T-square Venus/Uranus and Saturn in the wee hours. Good day to chill, Moon is Void of Course from 8:24 am PST till 10:18 pm PST when she enters Capricorn. Sun in Aquarius is almost conjunct Jupiter, exact fri nite, so there will be some sense of benevolence amidst the chaos. The Venus/Uranus conjunct opposite Saturn is likely to correlate with a number of those dreaded relationship issues.
If you and yours are unexplanably at odds, feeling distant, "lost that lovin' feeling", this is the stuff that many a pop song is made of----but really it is just transits. It is suggested that you, both of you read up a bit on the descriptions of Venus/Uranus, Venus/Saturn, and Uranus/Saturn hard transits. You will be amazed at what you are experiencing being described, sometimes to the word in Archetypal terms. The classic Book "Planets in Transit" by Robert Hand along with "the Google" are resources worth studying. Your relationship will be deepened if both of you hold the space and follow these sensations deeper rather than blame, shame and move on. If that has already happened, it would be advisable to wait till after Mercury Retrograde before leaping into anything new, not that anybody listens to that kind of advice...
The Birthcard today is the 5 of Diamonds, a Saturn implementation of a Neptune core, with a 9 of Diamonds inside and a 3 of Clubs outside. 5D incarnations include Neil Bush, Sam Cooke, Patty Hearst, Ivana Trump, Peter Graves, Dusty Springfield, and Herbie Mann.
Full Moon 13 January 2025: On Our Own
1 week ago