Moon will move from Void of Course to Aries at 7:25 am PST. She, the Moon will be square Pluto exact at 11:38 am PST, sextile Juno exact at 2:35 pm PST, and sextile Jupiter exact at 6:34 pm PST. Likely flavors today will be a need for depth with a bit of an edge or sense of urgency to it, morphing to more cuddly then to just good, magnanimous feelings. Final days of Mercury Retrograde this cycle, collective sighs of relief Feb 1st or 2nd, and another the 8th or 9th.
The Birthcard today is the 10 of Clubs, a Solar expression of a Mars core and some flexibility to experience a Venus or Mercury core with a Jack of Spades inside and a 4 of Spades outside. 10Cs include Phil Collins, Jack Abramoff, Paul Krugman, Steven Chu, Richard Dawkins, Erica Jong, Barbra Streisand, and Shirley MacLaine.
New Moon 27 February 2025 What To Believe?
22 hours ago