The one and only Moon will be Void of Course till 10:56 am PST, when she will be in Aquarius. Moon will be conjunct Juno exact at 2:33 ppm PST, square Vesta and conjunct Jupiter exact at 8:36 pm PST, and conjunct Sun exact at 11:55 pm PST. If you are near the Indian Ocean relaxing in Borneo for instance, you will see a spectacular eclipse. In other time zones, you will likely sleep through it. New Moon is generally a good time for new beginnings, muted a bit by Mercury retrograde. Things, ideas, concepts that have been gestating for the last two weeks are more likely to come to fruition. The Moon/Jupiter conjunct will offset some or many of the more troublesome transits that have been with us for the last week or so.
The Birthcard for today is the 2 of Diamonds, a Mars expression of a Saturn core with a 6 of Clubs inside and an Ace of Diamonds outside. 2Ds include Corazon Aquino, Viktor Yushchenko, Modest Mussorgsky, Rosie O'Donnell, Dudley Moore, Cheryl Feng, Ole Evinrude, Trent Reznor, and Howard Jones.